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Businesses: Make 2020 the best Holiday Season Yet

 October 6, 2020      webadmin

This year, in an attempt to make it through the holiday season without any COVID-related consequences, many big retailers are shifting their sales and specials to start earlier and spread over a longer period. We can all learn from their decisions, and here is how:

1. If possible, shift marketing to online platforms. It is anticipated that consumers will focus more heavily on online sales due to wariness about crowds. That combined with the ability to have contactless pickup would give consumers the comfort to shop local.

2. Worried about creating the buzz that holiday shopping offers? Set up sales timetables, with various items on sale during particular periods. Not only will that create excitement, but if consumers come in multiple times, they are more likely to spend additional dollars.

3. Some major retailers have announced that they are dialing back on Thanksgiving Day Openings. Although may local companies did not follow that trend to open part of or all of the holiday, you may look into adjusting hours to limit crowds.

4. Crowd control is key. With the cold weather, crowds indoors can cause higher risk of exposure to COVID-19. Ensuring that your store remains a safe place for your customers and employees is vital. Make sure you have processes in play to stay within state or local constraints and utilize outdoor spaces whenever possible.

Remember that consumers do want to support local businesses, so if you take these small steps to help keep everyone safe, this could be your best year yet!